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Extreme Outdoor Materials & Gear
Outdoor Gear
Skiing & Winter Gear
Quality accessories for back country skiers, free skiers and for winter expeditions.
Ski Skins
Ski climbing skins for ski touring, ski expeditions and backcountry skiing.
(5 Products)
Skin Accessories
(17 Products)
Skin Skis & Bindings
Skinbased backcountry skis, universal bindings and binding parts.
(6 Products)
Ski Poles
Ski poles for downhill skiing and ski expeditions. Our selection also contains pole baskets and full selection of Black Diamond pole spare parts.
(6 Products)
Pulk & Bedding Bags
(2 Products)
Snow Shovels
Powerful tools to move show from your tent site or to rescue an avalanche victim.
Avalanche Probes
Snow safety gear and avalanche rescue equipment.
(2 Products)
Gear for Skiing and Expeditions
(7 Products)
Vapour-barrier Socks & Camp Booties
(3 Products)
Special Offers
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Shelby Products
Do It Yourself
Outdoor Gear
Skiing & Winter Gear
Ski Skins
Skin Accessories
Skin Skis & Bindings
Ski Poles
Pulk & Bedding Bags
Snow Shovels
Avalanche Probes
Gear for Skiing and Expeditions
Vapour-barrier Socks & Camp Booties
Hammocks & Accessories
Shelters & Accessories
Sleeping Pads
Trekking Poles
Outdoor Kitchen
Water Treatment & Storage
Packsacks & Cases
Straps & Carabiners
Washing & Waterproofing
Books & Maps
Clearance Deals
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