About Shelby Ltd


Shelby provides you with the best extreme materials, designs and outdoor gear.


In start of 21st century availability of outdoor clothing and gear materials was scarce in Europe. Zach Shelby gathered materials from here and there for his own outdoor gear projects. The Shelby as a brand was started in 2002, and this web-store in 2003.

Zach has been designing and making outdoor gear for hiking, winter camping and skiing since 1995 when he started life as a university student in Northern Michigan, USA. After immigrating to Scandinavia, the Shelby company was started to provide extreme materials and designs to do-it-yourself enthusiasts, students, designers, and manufacturers.


  • Heikki Hautala - heikki(AT)shelby.fi
    Managing Director, sales & service (Finnish)
  • Lauri Raittila - lauri(AT)shelby.fi
    Sales & service, design & testing, webstore (Finnish)
  • Zach Shelby - zach(AT)shelby.fi
    Chairman, designer, founder (American)

Facebook: Shelby Outdoor
Instagram: Shelby Outdoor