14.90 € - 17.90 €/piece BUY

Prym Vario Installation Pliers

Prym Vario Installation Pliers

Hand-held pliers used for attaching snaps and metal grommets and punching small holes.

Use these pliers with tool sets that are included in grommet and metal snap kits. The pliers are compatible with kits and tool sets manufactured by Prym and most other manufacturers. Most plastic snap kits do not include the tools.

  • The pink pliers include tools for attaching plastic snaps and they are recommend if you also want to attach plastic snaps.
  • The violet pliers come without tools for attaching plastic snaps. The Color Snaps tools set is also available as a separate item.
  • Both pliers include tools for piercing tools for diameters of 3 and 4 mm.
14.90 €/piece
Color:  Violet

Product number: 6271 (Prym 390900)

Only 3 pieces left in stock, after the stock is empty product temporarely out of stock. Order will be delivered after 10 to 20 day delay.
17.90 €/piece
Color:  Pink
Including Tools for Plastic Snaps

Product number: 6277 (Prym 390902)

Only 4 pieces left in stock, after the stock is empty