4.90 € - 5.50 €/piece
Glue On Flexible Base Snap, SNAD, Stud, Clear
Stud Snap that can be attached to hard surfaces with 3M VHB glue. Fast and easy to attach. No need for drilling of attachment holes.
Beside this product you need other connecting part to form a coupling. This SNAD snap is compatible with Prym 15 mm strong snaps.
All surfaces must be cleaned with solvent or alcohol before applying the SNAD.
Specifications (PDF)
- Some smooth surfaces may need to be abraded, use mild abrasive pad. Wood, cement and other porous materials require coating before attaching the SNAD. Copper, Brass and some other metals need to be coated to avoid oxidation.
- Clean the surface with solvent or alcohol.
- Remove liner from the back of the SNAD, do not touch the glue with your finger tips.
- Position the snap firmly to place and press down from all sides to get secure adhesion of the SNAD.
- Best results for gluing are achieved between the temperatures of 21°C and 38°C. In colder than 10°C surface glue will not attach properly, but once properly applied, low temperature holding is generally satisfactory.
- After application, the bond strength increases and approaches the ultimate bond strength after 72 hours at 21°C. Typical bond strength build up: 20 minutes 60% bond strength, one hour equals 75% bond strength, one day 90% bond strength. In some cases, bond strength can be increased and full strength can be achieved more quickly by elevating temperature to 66°C for one hour.
Attaching instructions are not included with the product.
Diameter: 25 mm or 40 mm
The Cleaning Towel is an
Easy solution for cleaning the attaching surface. Available affordably in small and bigger batches.

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