1.90 €/piece BUY

Pulk Hook For Cord

Pulk Hook For Cord

Durable plastic hook for pulk packing cords for example. With running through the side and end hole.

Gate tongue can break in cold conditions but it doesn't affect the use or durability of the rest of the hook. Open the gate by pulling a cord through from the outside.

If the gate tongue is not needed. It can be carefully cut off with a utility knife.

Length: 50 mm
Width: 23 mm
Depth: 13 mm

Side hole diameter: 10,8 mm
End hole diameter: 6,3 mm
Weight: 6,5 g

Material: Nylon

Color:  Black

Product number: 6690

  • Batch of 50 pieces for 70.00 €
  • Buy 100 pieces or more, get 31.58% discount
Only 294 pieces left in stock, after the stock is empty this product is not available.
Color:  White

Product number: 6691

  • Batch of 50 pieces for 70.00 €
Only 102 pieces left in stock, after the stock is empty this product is not available.