149.90 € 99.90 €/pair BUY

OAC EA 2.0 Bindings

The EA 2.0 is designed to work with a wide selection of flexible-soled shoes, eliminating the need for a dedicated pair or ski boots.

Built entirely in the EU from the highest quality materials, the EA 2.0 Binding will perform even in the harshest environments. The thick flexplate and powerful hinge mechanism provide a solid ski feel and offer excellent lateral stability.

Compatible with a large range of shoe sizes and styles, the EA 2.0 Universal Binding is suitable for most adult size boots. The base unit features a spring mechanism which doubles as an adjustment lever, allowing for in-the-field size adjustments, even while wearing gloves!

Note: Not suitable for rigid-soled ice climbing or mountaineering boots.

NN 75 screw pattern

Boot sole length: 24 to 38 cm


Product number: 8037

Only 1 pair left in stock, after the stock is empty